Last week Alexander and I enjoyed a dinner and movie night. Movie night at the Alexander's means we break the rules and eat dinner in places other than the dining room table. Alexander made dinner that night which is always a treat. We pulled our recliners closer to the television for a bigger screen effect and ate American style. What we watched I can not tell you but I clearly remember the second feature. After our movie, Alexander very sensibly went to bed, something I have recently resolved to do---no more late nights for Alexandra--from now on I am an early bird as I have come to value the benefits of a full night's sleep. Once Alexander was tucked into bed I very insensibly searched for a new movie to watch on Netflix instant viewing. I settled on Sleepless in Seattle. I had seen it before and though the details of it were a bit fuzzy to my memory I did clearly remember it giving me a good cry. I thought I would watch a few minutes of it, just enough to wind down a bit more before bed. That's what I told myself anyway. Two hours later I crawled into bed wondering why I had done that...and on a week night too after turning over a new leaf. Incurable.
Sleepless in Seattle is one long reference to An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. After viewing I knew I had to see what must be the best good cry movie ever; and so I put An Affair to Remember in my Netflix queue, bumping it up to position one. 
Last night, having received my latest Netflix delivery,  we had another movie night. Alexander, ever the good sport, not only fixed a fantastic shrimp dinner, but also watched the ultimate chick flick with me. He will tell you that the following happened to me during An Affair to Remember: It must be a girl thing.
In return for his sportsmanship I promised Alexander I would watch watch a guy movie with him. He suggested Patton. Exactly what I am in for I do not know but I doubt it involves a good cry.